Above are three Harvards flying in formation at the recent air show at Swartkops Air Force Base in Pretoria - incidentally the oldest aerodrome in the world in current use.
Another childhood memory from the sky was the Silver Falcons - the SAAF's air acrobatic team. Back in the day they were flying Impala fighter jets. It therefore came as a bit of sad news when I heard that they were going to henceforth use turboprops. Not having seen them for many years, I was pleasantly surprised to recently see exactly how they play with their new Pilatus planes. Their arrival in formation with an SAA 737-400 was a great start, but insignificant to their display that would follow later.
The Boeing on its own was also a magnificent sight. I did not know a big plane could bank that much - during some flypasts one got the rare chance of seeing it "from the top"
As part of the show the Boeing performed a touchdown and gave spectators a sight that one would hopefully only see at an airshow: A 373 taking off with a Russian T1 tank apparently aiming at it. The tank was parked next to the runway for a combat display that was to follow later that day.
The combat display involved armoured vehicles, ground troops and, of course, planes and choppers. One of the memorable sights was a Hercules dropping supplies.
Here are two additional pictures that show the Silver Falcons in action.
(or solarised, to be more dramatic...)
Here is a Pilatus used the the Silver Falcons from a little closer.
As the point I left the Vampire was in the air. I do not recall seeing them fly as a child, put some of them might have passed overhead. The were introduced shortly after World War II and still used operationally when I was young. For some reason the word zippy comes to mind seeing one of them fly for the first time.